8 Simple Hacks To Save Money On Groceries

These days grocery shopping can be an expensive experience. All it takes is a trip down the right grocery aisle and BAM! Suddenly your basket is filled with things that aren’t on the list.

While there’s nothing wrong with adding a few extras in your shopping bag every once in a while, making it a regular habit can cause some serious damage to your bank account! If you’re looking to break this habit, read ahead for our simple tactics!

1. Shop on a full stomach

There’s a reason smart shoppers put so much importance in shopping on a full stomach; it works. When your mind is on hunger mode, your focus naturally shifts to food and getting fed.

This is why you end up throwing in those extra snacks in your cart that you don’t really need. So, next time have a quick snack before you head out!

2. Do an inventory of your fridge/pantry

It may seem like a no-brainer but adding this step to your shopping routine can save you more money than you think.

Challenge yourself to go through your stock in the fridge or pantry as you’re writing down your grocery list. This will help you plan your meal each week using the bits and pieces that you find.

What’s more, it will also ensure that you eat your food before it goes off, so it doesn’t end up going to waste.

3. Write down a shopping list (and stick to it!)

Whether you type it up on your phone or put pen to paper, having a list in your hands when you venture into the supermarket will help keep you from over-spending on your next supermarket shop

4. Shop online

8 ways to save money on groceries

If you’ve never tried online supermarket shopping before, then now is the time to do it. It provides you with a real-time tally of each item you add to your cart, so you can monitor how much you’re spending.

Plus, without the good lighting or the strategically placed items at the checkout, you can avoid the temptation of spontaneous buys!

5. Price check and shop around for discounts

The internet is a wonderful resource to find the best deals and offers in supermarkets. Subscribing to various grocery mailers will keep you up to date with what’s on special for the week.

Alternatively, if you’re willing to put in the leg work – explore other stores and weekend markets in your area for even better deals.

6. Store and organise your food properly

Properly storing and organising your food will stop you from buying more of the same product accidentally.

Additionally, proper storage can maximise the shelf life of your groceries, ultimately cutting down your food waste while saving a few extra bucks!

7. Don’t be scared of homebrand/generic brands

If you’re not brand loyal to a product, feel free to try its homebrand counterpart. Sure, it might not have the same fancy packaging, but a quick read of the label and you’ll find that’s just as good! The best part? It’s atleast $3 cheaper!

8. Plan your meals ahead

8 ways to save money on groceries

Once you’ve done a stocktake of your fridge/pantry, it’s time to start planning your meals for the week! The process is simple; create a list of meals and snacks that you want for the week. (If it gets a bit overwhelming, you can always do 2-3 days for starters).

From there, write your grocery list based on what you’ll need for each recipe. This makes sure you don’t buy more food than you need, as well as keep you from getting takeaways on those lazy nights.

What hack will you be trying? Tell us in the comments below!

  1. I try to check what’s at home in fridge cupboards and freezer and make a list. Online shopping is great too. If shopping in store always try to eat or drink something before I go way cheaper if not hungry

  2. Yes! Totally agree, we shop online once a week and shop to fit a meal plan over the week! I go into stores occasionally for small top ups but shopping online saves us so much

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